Indoor Lecture meetings 2019-20

Programme of Indoor Lecture meetings 2019-20


12th September

Talks by two Lancaster University students:  ‘The Scotch Argus at Arnside Knott and Smardale’  by Lucy Gunson  and ‘The Pearl- Bordered Fritillary of Morecambe Bay’ by Alex Blomfield.

Lucy Gunson & Alex Blomfield

10th October

New speaker

'Fred Gould's life in Birding' by Gary & Lindsey Gould

Their dad sadly died last year at the age of 80 after a life of birding in Cumbria and North Lancashire. This is a very personal selection of some of their favourite slides. Fred was a former Chair of the Kendal Natural History Society and was well known for his talks, guided walks and passion for birding at a host of sites in the locality.

Original talk cancelled due to ill health. To be rescheduled in a later program.

‘A Year in the Life’ A return visit by the excellent, award winning nature photographer Mick Durham who talks about his trips in 2018.

Gary & Lindsey Gould

14th November

‘Wild Ennerdale’  a talk by Tom Burditt, who is National Trust Head Ranger for the North Lakes

Tom Burditt

TUESDAY 3rd December

Rearranged :- Jacob’s Join;  Flora of Arnside & District 2019;  Report of residential trip to Menorca  


9th January

From Peacocks to Dragons’   A personal quest to see all the UK’s Butterflies, orchids and dragonflies  

David Talbot

13th February

‘Marine Wildlife from the Sea of Cortez to the Irish Sea’ Rob Petley-Jones

12th March

Butterfly Conservation Projects in Morecambe Bay’ Martin Wain

9th April

AGM:  Fauna of Arnside & District 2019 (Birds, Mammals and Entomology).

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