Welcome to the membership page

To join the Society please complete and submit the Membership Application Form below.

Annual Subscription:
Individual £4.00
Joint £6.00
Children under 18 at the same address free

Payment details below.


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Payment details

To make a bank transfer (BACS) to the Society you will need the following information:

Bank - Santander
Account name - Arnside & District Natural History Society
Sort code - 09- 01- 53
Account No - 84463282
Reference - YOUR NAME(S)

It is essential that you enter your name(s) as reference so that we know who has made the payment and can keep our records up to date.

Alternatively you can join the Society at any of our indoor lectures, paying in cash or by cheque. Cheques should be made payable to Arnside & District Natural History Society 

Renew your membership

The membership year runs from 1st September to 31st August. Subscriptions are due each year on 1st September. If membership fees had not been paid after three reminders,  having been sent , by the end of December in any one year , that person's membership  would be deemed cancelled.

Payment details are as above. You could think about making this a Standing Order so that you do not need to remember to pay your subscription each year.

The membership application form above can also be used by members who wish to update their contact details.

Non-members may attend our indoor lectures on payment of a fee of £2. Field trips for non-members are free but we encourage you to join the society.


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Arnside and District Natural History Society
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