Summer Field Trips 2024

Indoor lectures are held in the WI & Village Hall, Orchard Road, Arnside. Doors open at 7.00pm and lectures start at 7.30pm.

Members free, Non-members £2.00

Winter field trip notices 

There is no fee payable on field trips for members or non-members unless stated.

In the event of adverse weather conditions, please refer to the website on the evening before the trip for an update.

In the interests of reducing our carbon footprint, the protection of habitats and landscape and limited venue parking we encourage members to car share. Anyone requiring transport or willing to offer a lift please see our lift sharing guidelines on our contact page.  You should agree the transport costs between you.

Please bring a packed lunch for field trips.

No dogs are allowed on any of the walks except assistance dogs.

Members and friends attend lectures/meetings/ field trips at their own risk and the Society cannot be held responsible for accidents.


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Arnside and District Natural History Society
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