General Data Protection Regulations


Arnside & District Natural History Society General Data Protection Regulations

From 25th May 2018, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) come into force.

Privacy Statement

This privacy statement sets out how Arnside & District Natural History Society uses your personal data and how we comply with the GDPR. A copy of this statement can also be found on our website (

Your Personal Data & what we do with it.

When you join the society, we collect your name, postal address and email address (if supplied).

We keep these details on a password-protected personal computer which is controlled by the membership secretary of the society. A list of all members is occasionally printed out and brought to our indoor meetings. The purpose of doing this is to

  • allow members to check their details and answer any queries
  • make a note of changes such as new emails and addresses
  • record annual subscription renewals from those existing members who pay at the meetings

We also add your name and email address to a contact list on the email account of the society. This is so that we can email you about new events, changes to field trips and any other legitimate society activities.

If you don’t supply this data, we cannot add you to our membership list or keep you informed about our events, lectures and field trips. We therefore have a legitimate interest in holding your data in order to fulfil the membership contract between us.

Who we share this information with

We only share your personal information:-

  • when a committee member of the society wants to contact you about field trips or other legitimate society activities
  • if you live in the local area and have not provided an email address, with the person who delivers any correspondence to your home.

We will not sell, distribute or lend your personal information. On the expiry of your membership, we will delete your personal data.

Your rights in relation to your personal information

You have the right to:

  • be informed about how your personal data is used
  • opt out of receiving email messages from us
  • access the data we hold about you and ask us to correct it
  • have your data deleted from our records

For further information, please contact the membership secretary by emailing to .

For further information about the GDPR please visit

Revised 21.02.2024.

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